Post Procedure Instructions

After the Procedure You May:

  • Experience light bleeding or a discharge that looks like coffee grounds
  • Enjoy a regular diet as tolerated
  • Shower or bathe as usual
  • Use panty liners or pads as needed
  • Climb stairs and walk
  • Take Tylenol or Ibuprofen for post procedure discomfort
  • Begin regular daily activities in one day unless otherwise told by your physician
  • Drive when you are no longer taking narcotic pain medication for example:
    • Codeine, Vicodin, Hydrocodone, Norco, Tylenol #3
  • Resume intercourse when you are no longer experiencing postoperative pain, vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Resume exercise when post procedure pain and spotting or bleeding ceases

Please Alert Us If You:

  • Experience persistent nausea or vomiting
  • Saturate or soak a maxi pad in an hour for two hours
  • Experience severe pain
  • Feel lightheaded or dizzy
  • Have pain lasting greater than 48 hours or increasing pain
  • Have fever of 100.4 or greater
  • Notice foul smelling vaginal discharge
  • Find redness or discharge at an incision or laser site

Please be sure you keep your important follow up visit with your Physician